With a very busy lead to Christmas we hit pause on this recruitment to pick it up in the new year. If this role is of interest please view details below.
Team at RECO
Farm Details
92ha effective
Friesian herd
250-260 cows wintered
Calves off in December (50-60 replacements reared, remaining bobbied)
System 2, with in-shed feed used to help support the shoulders
28 aside herringbone, with cup removers
Compliant AB Facility
2/3 flat consolidated peat, 1/3 gentle rolling ash
4-6 weeks winter grazing for 50 cows up the road
5 weeks AB, 5 weeks Bulls
Improvements to the farm system have been made over the last 3 seasons with the current Contract Milker
85,000kgMS 22-23 season
93,000gMS 23-24 season
100,000kgMS - currently on track for this season
Feed Details
150t PKE based meal blend
100 bales of silage bought
2 unit load of hay purchased
Cropping - previously 4-6ha of turnips
50 cows winter grazing for 4-6 weeks (walking distance)
1 x 3 bedroom house plus an office, external double garage
1 x self contained single unit
Further Information
Cow shed centrally located
Seperate replacement calf rearing facilities from bobby calf pens
Ample shedding to keep machinery out of the weather
Formal monthly meetings held with the farm owners and farm consultant
Owners live off farm and are still actively farming themselves
What we are looking for in an applicant?
Confident and competent Contract Milker that strives to meet production targets
Passion for pasture. First and foremost, you must be able to understand and execute on what target pre and post grazing residuals are required at different times of the year.
Animal health is always a priority. Strong history of calving and mating sucess is required
Spring rotation planners - can you accurate allocate feed according to the plan?
Attention to detail. Must have a good knowledge or willingness to learn about all the details required to be recorded for farming. MINDA, Dairy Diary etc.
Open communication - this is a must. The more informed we are, the better plans we can put in place for you.
Fit, healthy and tidy individual.
Planning and transparency to achieve incentives for performance and reproductive results.
Having the want to learn more and continue to become a better farmer
Does this role take your interest?
Applications for this role require a CV to be emailed to info@itsreco.co.nz in first instance.
We will be actively reviewing the applications throughout this process, selecting the top candidates for phone and on farm interviews.
Information below to include in your application that is highly favourable;
At least 5 years work history, or the last few positions with timelines
During these positions, it is great to have some key farm details,
Cow numbers
What the farm was like, rolling contour, wet? Dry up in the summer?
How these elements were managed
Any farm goals that were in place and/or achieved?
Any personal goals that were accomplished? or that are a working progress?
What did you and didn't you enjoy in these previous positions
The more information we have about the above, the faster we can process your application.
We look forward to hearing from you.
From the team @ RECO